Friday, March 12, 2010


After a month of trips, carpet cleanings, R going like crazy at work and church, finding Oakley another "happy home" and completing the great room switch (don't worry, pics and stories to come once we've put the office/desktop back together) I'm enjoy a much needed peaceful evening at home while R goes crazy w/his little buddies at Dave and Busters (which according to R's sales pitch to the boys is like a bigger, better Chuck E. Cheese).

The past few months I've been thinking a lot about peace. In anticipation of our littlest man's arrival the thought and feeling I keep coming back to is being at peace. I'm even at peace with being the crazy boy house.

That doesn't mean I haven't given up my vision of a beautiful, quiet home. In fact, over the past weeks we've had rotten weather so I've resorted to doing "Yoga Kids" (I know, I'm a dork) with the boys in an attempt to expend some energy and find some peace and quiet. At the end of each session they have the kiddos lay on their backs, and chant the word "PEACE" with each slow exhalation.

The other day I was thrilled to walk by the play room and hear the boys chanting "PEACE" in calm, melodious, unison. Just as I was congratulating myself for teaching my boys a life skill I heard the battle cry "ATTACK". Jolted out of my reverie I demanded to know WHAT was going on.

Apparently the new game of choice at our house is "Peace, peace, ATTACK". At least we're halfway there.


Holly Park said...

Love those wild monkeys! Can't wait for the new little peanut to join your little family!

Diane said...

Umm...Kendall--I think a freaky person might have accessed your blog... Anyway, I loved your post about the boys "Kid Yoga" and the peace/attack story. Isn't that a form of psychological warfare?? Kyle and Hayley will appreciate it!