Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Boy

It's general knowledge that Matts is Reed's clone. But, I now have a glimmer of hope that he may have some Newell DNA in him.
Today at lunch we were reviewing their primary lessons. Sharing Time was taught by the fabulous Miss Celeste and was about prayer, specifically prayers of gratitude. I asked if we always say the same thing (a problem in our house, G is still praying for the people in Haiti, Japan and Chili) and Matts replied, "No, but I do have my prayer pattern."
"Yeah, you know, on Sunday I say my special prayer, on Saturday I say my Saturday thank yous; Friday, my Friday thank yous...etc."

What can I say, we Newells love our Schedules. Now, maybe I should get him some post-its :)

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