Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome Home

After a fantastically long trip it was time to head home. We debated staying longer for a good friend's wedding (which, luckily Reed will be able to attend), but C started to get sick again and we were all showing signs of needing regular sleep and we all needed our little family together again (Reed hit up London, Toronto, California and Paris, with a long weekend in Utah in June). At first I thought it was desperation, but looking back I'd say it was inspiration. Within 48 hours of being home Christian was crying hysterically in the ped's office (seriously, even the nurses and ped were concerned) which led to a trip to the ENT early the next morning which led to suctioning a clot out of Christian's ear that had been blocking his tube, making it non-fuctional and him miserable. Add to that our top floor A/C going out, our master shower leaking, and Reed and I getting a nasty case of strep (waiting to see if the kiddos get it) and there you have our welcome back to reality.

I must really love Atlanta and really love Reed b/c even with all that, it's good to be home and be with Reed again.

1 comment:

Holly Park said...

Well, isn't that special?! Geez, I hope things are "normal" again!!