Saturday, December 1, 2007

Strike up the band

Today we went to the annual Christmas parade downtown. We got there super early and actually got seats on one of the monuments in the center of the street. The kids were both enthralled; the bands, Santa and lollipops and terrified; Quentin of being "eaten" by a shark and Matts by any lifesize character (?). It was a great, festive day.
Waiting for the parade
At first, Gray wasn't all that impressed.

But, then the bands came...

Matts also loved "Grandpa Don's" bands.

The Boys


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys! I was thinking of you, mostly of Elizabeth, as I do often, and found this. It looks like you are doing well and have a beautiful family! Would love to hear from you sometime.
Melissa Dillon
Wyatt's Mommy

Amy said...

Your family is so cute! I can't believe how big your boys are getting! We miss you guys!