Tuesday, April 7, 2009

In like a lion...

Here's to hoping that April will get the vision and go out like a lamb. I'm currently sitting at my house watching snow flurries out my window.
In Atlanta.
In April.
Oh, I'm also wearing gloves b/c when the weather was actually beautiful and 75 degrees (less than 48 hours ago) we turned off our heater. In one of my brighter moments I didn't remember this until I noticed the welts on my hands and went to check the thermostat; 64 degrees.
Here's to hoping Gray stayed under the covers during his nap b/c "my sleep naked".

1 comment:

Holly Park said...

At least it makes me feel better that your weather hasn't figured itself out either. We're 70 today, but it's been freezing. And I live in New Mexico--the place that some people confuse with Mexico. Alas, we have Utah-not Arizona-weather here. I'm on board for spring/summer come January, so it's long overdue!