Sunday, August 14, 2011

Happy 12 years!

Just over 12 years ago I made the best decision of my very short life and married Reed.
It's been 12 years of ups and downs, joy and sorrow, laughter and tears.
As we're currently recovering from a horrendous power surge I have no pictures earlier than March 2011. Luckily, I'm still discovering how wise my 18 year old self really was and I'm still falling in love with this wonderful man.

Exhibit A:
Our anniversary celebrations included a fantastic dinner, chosen at a restaurant know for it's dessert platters and then a second dessert later that evening.
What can I say, I'm a lucky, lucky girl.
Exhibit B:
EVERY Saturday Reed gets up with the boys and they watch cartoons, run errands and usually end up at McDonalds for breakfast. No matter how long his week, or how tired he is, Reed gives me this time to rest, run and read (the 3 R's of a happy life). The boys love it and ask for Saturday all week long. I desperately need it and it keeps me sane and spoiled in our hectic life.
Exhibit C:
Behold, the power of the iPAD. For those who aren't aware my husband may be one of the most frugal men on the face of the planet. For the past 2 years he's debated an iPAD, even buying and returning one (twice), but ultimately came to the conclusion that it was just too expensive a 'toy' for now. Until my parents moved to Sweden. Until they put facetime on apple products.
Until it would make my life better and happier.

I love you Reed. You're an fantastic husband, father and friend.
You make my life better, easier and happier.
Here's to the 12 years, come what may.

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