Monday, March 30, 2009
A Year in the Life of Mattson
I cannot believe it has been 5 years that this guy has been filling our family and home with so much life. Mattson, you are an answer to our prayers and your exuberance has been healing. This past year you have developed a compassionate side that is very endearing. I love how you love your little brother, pray over your sister (with eyes cast toward heaven) and adore your mother. I'll admit I'm more than a sucker for lines like "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met." It seems that you got more than just your looks from Daddy.
So, after 5 years of perpetual motion here's to all the laughter, learning, imagining and loving that comes from being your mother.
Mattson's 5th Birthday
It doesn't get much better than that.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Nothing is good...
So, in light of my sickies, we've been doing a whole lot of nothing.
Although he's wearing a diaper in this picture (he just woke up from a nap) I'm happy to report that Gray is now fully potty-trained. Reed broke the accidents by offering a donut every time Gray went successfully in the toilet. Of course, this worked like a charm for our little sweet-monger
***This may also explain why Matts now likes Gray so much, he's gotten a ton of donuts this week*** The good news is that this has given Mattson plenty of new material to work with. Just this morning Matts told Reed and I a 15 minute story about how he had performed brain surgery on a fellow navy guy. The guy had a problem in his brain where the part that was supposed to control his walking was mixed up with the part that controlled the breathing and so he had to perform surgery and take out the bad part through a needle. But, don't worry Matts had 3 nurses to hold the guy down while he performed the surgery which hurt almost as much as having your blood taken.
Where does he get this stuff?
Monday, March 16, 2009
We're buddies
The infamous Thomas
The boys were beyond thrilled and I don't think they left him alone for more than 2 minutes at a time. It was a great weekend filled with basketball, wrestling, stupid movies and did I mention basketball?
Ready to cheer for the blue devils
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Answers to prayers
But I heard this: Gigi, I'm your big brother and I'll always take care of you (I guess it was a "nice" headlock :)