Sunday, May 9, 2010

Christian Scott Peterson

Born on May 8 at 7:56 a.m. 7 lbs 12 oz 19 inches So sweet, and so far, so mellow. And super cute.


Holly Park said...

I think he likes his big brothers already. He isn't even nervous when Gray tries to grab him. :) Looks like they are all getting along nicely! Good luck settling into sleepless nights...enjoy the cuddles!

Diane said...

Your 3 Musketeers are an adorable little group! So much fun ahead.... Congratulations to you!

Jacobson Five said...

Congratulations. I don't know why, but I didn't realize you were that far along. Hope everything is going well.

Unknown said...

ahhh, congratulation. He is so cute!

Chelsea said...

He IS so cute. Can't wait to meet him.

Mike and Mackenzie Day said...

Congratulations! Your family is so adorable. We're so happy for you:)

Amy said...

Congratulations Kendall and Reed!