Monday, November 12, 2012

Florence: Day 1

Back in the day when I toured in Europe with a school group I fell in love with Florence (and my first high school boy :).  I remember it awash in pastels and filled with twisty passages where you could loose yourself for hours, or until the chaperon demanded you return.  The Duomo, in all it's restored glory was even more wonderful than I remembered and I was lucky enough to return with my love and our three vagabonds.  
The Gates of Paradise, take 2.
(see below)
The boys were a lot more interested when I described the competition that took place for designing the Dome and the doors.  

Our first night in Florence
Funny story; we pulled in to Florence in the evening, and even though we were tired we decided to get out and walk the city.  After enjoying the Duomo, in all it's confectionary glory, I kept looking to the doors right across from it.  I could SWEAR they were the Gates of Paradise, but wasn't quite sure.  Well, sure enough my Humanities brain retained a smidge and when we went the next day to "educate" our boys I decided that from then on I was going to spout whatever random facts come to my mind.  
It's not like my 8 and 5 year old will actually know it they're true or fabricated.

Walking the city

Approximately 1 minute before landing in time out.  Something about cars and curbs...

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